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Our team can be found in many places on the net. Read on to learn about our different team sites and communities...

Etsy's Dark Side Official Etsy Team Page - Our official Etsy Team page on!

Team Shop- our team shop where you can get team goodies, printed promotional materials, all procedes goes to Team Funds which helps pay for web service, supplies and other Team Projects.

Etsy's Dark Side Blog - Check out our team blog to stay up to date on our members' newest creations, sales, events, member reviews and more!

Etsy's Dark Side on MySpace - Add us to your friends list on MySpace and be sure to subscribe to our MySpace blog. Our MySpace blog features an "Item of the Day" and a weekly "Featured Shop", so you can check out our members' awesome items!

Etsy's Dark Side Social Network - Our social network was created for our members, friends and loyal customers. We invite all who embrace the darker side of life to come and socialize with others who have similar interests. Come join us and have fun!

Etsy's Dark Side on LiveJournal - Join our LiveJournal community, or add us to your LiveJournal friends page so you can keep track of everyone's newest creations, sales and events!

Etsy's Dark Side Tribe - A place to meet other dark crafters, Etsy members and lovers of dark crafts.

*Please be sure to follow the rules and guidelines of each site when signing up for any of these sites or communities. Please also remember that our team rules apply for all our team sites, so please respect one another and have fun.*


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